超萌19個月「小碧昂絲」 身穿200英鎊華服大秀舞技
Say-so - definition of say-so by The Free Dictionary 只有一歲多的嬰兒通常應該受盡爸媽的呵護,有些比較怕生的寶寶甚至見到陌生人就哭,這位天性「戲胞」發達的波比已經能在大眾民前跳舞 ; 儘管學走路只是5個月前的事,但她扭腰百臀的架勢可不輸給大人。 這位擁有「小碧昂絲」之稱的小嬰兒只有19個月大,而就像碧昂絲一樣喜愛say-so (sā′sō′) n. pl. say-sos Informal 1. An unsupported statement or assurance: I'm not reporting him just on your say-so. 2. An expression of permission or approval: If you want to borrow the bike, you have to get her say-so. 3. The right or authority ...