Whose Line Online - Watch Whose Line Is It Anyway Online! 日本偶像團體Rev.from DVL的成員橋本環奈被封為超萌美少女,不斷被媒體盛讚說她擁有「天使臉孔」,網友則封她是「天使般三次元美少女」、「美得一點也不科學!」,更被娛樂界封為是「千年難得一見」的人才, 1995 年出生的她,今年才 15 歲,擁有看似無限光明的前景,卻被前男友投下一顆震撼彈! Welcome to our Whose Line Is It Anyway community! Here you'll find every Whose Line is it Anyway? U.S. and U.K. episodes, free to watch!. ... Hi there! Welcome to our Whose Line community. Here you'll find every Whose Line is it Anyway? U.S. and U.K ......