why can t we be friends歌詞

War - Why Can't We Be Friends Lyrics 媽媽說吃多,才會頭好壯壯!Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Lyrics taken from http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/w/war/why_cant_we_be_friends.html Explanations new To explain lyrics, select line or word and click "Explain". Meanings Share Link: Embed: Email Translate...


War - Why Can't We Be Friends Lyrics   至少第二句話還滿動聽的XDWar Why Can't We Be Friends lyrics have amazing beat and vocals. Performed by War, Why Can't We Be Friends lyrics will give you a musical euphoria... ... Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? I...
