高科技數位革命!BMW i Vision Future Interaction驚艷亮相
What To Do | Why Your Wife Won't Have Sex With You 【楊智漢/報導】BMW在今年的CES國際消費電子展上,所展演的電子科技陣容可說相當豐富有看頭,其中最令人注目的就是這部身穿古銅金色塗裝的「i Vision Future Interaction concept超跑概念車」。這部屬於BMW子品牌i-Series旗下的最新概念車作品,不僅有著與i8超跑Here’s my guess, based on my inner life during my first marriage (which ended after 12 years): she had a fantasy about what married life would be like, and somehow real life has fallen short (it always will). She hasn’t thought about it; there’s just some...