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Yahoo! Widgets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 國際知名車隊Team Galag在挑選車輛方面總是獨具想法,從先前他們參加Gumball 3000等車聚活動所派出的Tumbler蝙蝠車與他們自行改裝的特快Nissan GT-R車輛便可略知一二,而如今車隊再添新成員: McLaren P1! 眼前這部英國超跑旗艦McLaren P1採用少見的消光Yahoo Widgets was a free application platform for Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. The software was previously called Konfabulator, but after being acquired by computer services company Yahoo in 2005 it was rebranded.[1] The name Konfabulator was subsequen...
