How to solve Apple WIFI IP address conflicts | Morning AM模範生:這次考試又砸啦!時裝店老闆:太合身啦,簡直就是給你定做的。政治家:我一分錢都沒收。校長:(早會)我再簡單地說一句。。。醫生:打這個針一點都不痛。明星:我們只是朋友關係。攝影師:你是我見過的最漂亮的新娘。飛機機長:乘客們,飛機發生了很小的問題。餐廳服務員:菜馬上就來。影視新星:我希望大家認同我Problem: You see the message “Another device on the network is using your computer’s IP address” and you can’t connect to the Internet. In my experience, this only happens when running Apple’s AirPort on a wireless network. The problem is eliminated by us...