wii backup manager build 78

Wii Backup Manager v0.4.5 build 78 | Wii Homebrew 某天在公車站,遇到威猛哥。司機當時做了一個非常艱難的決定:關門! Der Coder fig2k4 hat das PC-Programm Wii Backup Manager auf Version 0.4.5 build 78 aktualisiert. ... 0.4.5 build 78 |-Fixed: The database "convert to internal format" freezes at 0.56% with the latest GameTDB database. A simple typo caused the bug that rea...


Wii Backup Manager v.0.4.5 build 78 - Wii Homebrew - Hacks - Spiele所以說訊息不要隨便丟呀.... Ein Backup Manager für die Nintendo Wii. Diese könnt ihr auf eurem PC einsetzen um eure Backups auf der HDD zu verwalten. ... 0.3.8 build 61 |-Fixed: Sometimes the cover downloads would only download to the cache instead of the configured folders....


WiiBackupManager - Wii Backup Manager需要明察秋毫才看得出來!!!! Manage Wii backups on your external hard drive and more.. ... Fixed: The database "convert to internal format" freezes at 0.56% with the latest GameTDB database. A simple typo caused the bug that really should've shown up before....
