Wii ISO • Nintendo Wii iSO Torrents • 日語同其他語言一樣,日語裡一些詞彙的含義也會隨著時代的變化而變化。以“禦宅”(otaku)這個詞為例,這個詞原本在日語中是'你'的禮貌說法。('禦'在日文中是美化詞讀成'o')不過'禦宅'這個詞過于謙敬以至於使用次數太多會給人一種輕浮不善交際的感覺。當然,如果How do i get a downloaded wii iso to play? Make sure you got an ISO file. If it is in a ZIP or RAR archive - unzip it. Now burn the iso image to a DVD-R. Put this new Wii backup disc into the console and play Remember that in order to play Wii ISOs on you...