wii disc to iso

Wii ISO • Nintendo Wii iSO Torrents •   日語同其他語言一樣,日語裡一些詞彙的含義也會隨著時代的變化而變化。以“禦宅”(otaku)這個詞為例,這個詞原本在日語中是'你'的禮貌說法。('禦'在日文中是美化詞讀成'o')不過'禦宅'這個詞過于謙敬以至於使用次數太多會給人一種輕浮不善交際的感覺。當然,如果How do i get a downloaded wii iso to play? Make sure you got an ISO file. If it is in a ZIP or RAR archive - unzip it. Now burn the iso image to a DVD-R. Put this new Wii backup disc into the console and play Remember that in order to play Wii ISOs on you...


Burn Wii ISO to DVD-R • DVD-RW •人們說愛情就是在對的時間對的地點找到對的人,但是如何成為偉大的攝影師,就是在正確的地點正確的時刻拍出的那張正確的照片。 然而,這並不意味著你找到成為偉大攝影師的偉大之路了,看看下面的 ▼魚阿~別跑! ▼我們真的不是gay! ▼哩賣造~那是倫家剛買的冰淇淋阿!! ▼看我的腳踏車! ▼男女合體? ▼咦~Burn Wii ISO to DVD-R • DVD-RW • UnZIP or UnRAR compressed *.iso file to any folder on your PC. Now use your DVD burner software like NERO to write this ISO to a DVD-R +R or RW disc. Be sure to tick where it says that the compilation should be closed so ....


Wii ISOs * Wii Torrents iSO ROMs * 南韓一位網友,在自己的可愛少女襪當中,發現了邪惡的秘密,當他有天將襪子翻過來之時,每想到看見原本的可愛少女崩壞,變成邪惡的少女,不僅讓人噴飯,也想讓人實地翻找家裡的襪子試試看阿。。。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請標明原文網址及出處。How to play wii isos from torrents? Make sure you got a Wii ISO file. If it is in a ZIP or RAR archive - exctract the iso from it. Burn the ISO to empty DVD-R / -RW , using free Wii Game DVD burning software. To play Wii ISOs on your Nintendo Wii console ...


How to Burn Wii or Gamecube ISOS onto a DVD-R Disc - YouTube 對於喜愛貓迷的貓奴來說,貓咪或許都比好萊塢男星們還要吸引人,貓咪的一舉一動,都是萌翻天的療癒照片。現在就來整理喵星人與與好萊塢男星們的對照照片,相信真的也不輸明星們的魅力。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請標明原文網址及出處。Links: Imgburn: http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=... Wii iso size: 4.37 GB (4,699,979,776 bytes) Gamecube iso size: 1.35 GB (1,459,978,240 bytes) If the .iso file is not the size listed above there was likely a problem with the dump and it must be don...
