Wii Golf . net | Nintendo Wii + Golf = Single Handicap! (翻攝自youtube) 如今“萬人空巷”的《精靈寶可夢GO》,科技發展,智能手機搭載了GPS,光依靠振動怕是行不通了,寶可夢的孵化與養成都必須要在現實中移動10千米,且乘坐交通工具無效。訓練師們的手段也更加豐富。 今天就來教教你這些賤招吧! 1.風WiiGolf.net, networking Golfers Passionate about Golf both on the Nintendo Wii Screen and on the Green ... Not a lot available but here they are: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Unlock sponsorship items and players.: At the menu, select “Options” and the “Passwor...