Stoga Wii HDMI Converter / Wii to HDMI Converter - Scales Wii Signal to 720p and 1080p - WII TO HDMI 刺青文化在亞洲地區還不普遍被認同,年輕人刺青常被以叛逆、特立獨行、甚至流氓畫上等號。不過在西方國家卻是一種很普遍、很大眾化的藝術,甚至還有保平安的說法。然而刺青對於他們背後真正的意義是什麼?也許只有自己才知道。韓國就有一名正妹在肚子上刺了一幅長長的圖騰,但她卻不是為了追求新潮或趕時髦流行,而是背後* Color: White. Size: 75x35x15mm. Weight: 25g * Wii is the only major gaming console that does not have a HDMI output port. * The Wii console's output resolution is only 480p, HDMI is now the standard AV interface on amplifiers, switchers and TV's; the la...