5+2 SUV硬實力對決 Hyundai Santa Fe VS. Skoda Kodiaq(下)
Lego Wii - YouTube▲底氣十足的柴油引擎賦予Santa Fe輕快自在的加速反應,整體乘適性演出亦值得大力讚賞。 圖 顧宗濤 Part. 1內裝配備篇 Part. 2車室空間篇 Part. 3動力操控篇 Part. 4結論報告 定位取向決定先天差異 中大型7人座SUV雖然有著一貫鮮明的家庭用車形象,但由於分別來自亞、This was my entry for the Nintendo Shortcuts Showcase contest. I litterally finished it days before the deadline and mailed it to them by express mail. I came up with the idea out of no-where. I just woke up early one......