ONE PIECE連載20週年的重大宣布?尾田宣布將由好萊塢團隊製作航海王真人版連續劇
How to get Emulators and Apps on Homebrew Channel for Wii and Wii U (with voice) [1080p HD] - YouTub原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:鴉小編 萌友們呀比~我是鴉小編(‘ω’)ノ2017/7/22是個對海賊迷意義重大的日子,因為在1997年的這一天,日本最強漫畫雜誌週刊少年JUMP首度刊登了由尾田栄一郎所繪製的海賊冒險漫畫:ONE PIECE。2017年的這天,航海王的漫畫Hey guys! So this is a follow up video to the video where I show you how to hack your Nintendo Wii or Wii U. So you WILL need homebrew channel on your Wii/Wii U to do this. That is very easy to get. If you don't have the Homebrew Channel, watch this video...