Installation - usbloader-gui - Installing USB Loader GX on your Wii. - USB Loader GX: GUI for Wanink▲呵呵改了個名字就收到這種訊息了啊~~?(source:Dcard) 日前Dcard網友po出一段對話,表示自己因一時興起將自己的英文名字改成「Jeff」,沒想到沒過多久收到一封訊息表示:「Jeff我明天晚上七點有空,你可以嗎?」在原po用不雅口氣表明自己身份後友人直接爆氣回嗆! ▲兩The Homebrew Channel mode means that USB Loader GX is not physically installed on your Wii, it is only copied on your SD Card or your USB device and is launched from the Homebrew Channel. The advantage of this installation is that it is very easy to insta...