印媒總結 姑娘被性侵的34個理由
Wii U from Nintendo - Official Site - HD Video Game Console事實證明:印度是世界上性侵業最發達的國家..... 近日,Buzzfeed總結出了印度媒體發布的政客們列出姑娘被性侵的34個理由,看完後著實為印度的姑娘們捏了把汗…… 1.受害者自己(怪她過分美麗麼) 2. 因為是女人.... 3.校服..... 4.性教育Check out the new generation of Nintendo games in gorgeous high-definition on the Wii U console - an amazing value the whole family can enjoy. ... Wii U Deluxe set with Super Mario 3D World and Nintendo Land. HD graphics, built-in software, and plays your...