wiki 3d printing

3D printing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 這隻狗一定預謀很久....XDD3D printing (or additive manufacturing, AM) is any of various processes used to make a three-dimensional object.[1] In 3D printing, additive processes are used, in which successive layers of material are laid down under computer control.[2] These objects ...


Printing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   真的是甜啊!!!!Printing is a process for reproducing text and images using a master form or template. The earliest examples include Cylinder seals and other objects such as the Cyrus Cylinder and the Cylinders of Nabonidus. The earliest known form of woodblock printing ...


Features/3D Printing - FedoraProject - Fedora   很多時候都是墜毀XD      3D Printing Summary Bring 3D printing tools to Fedora and allow users of 3D printers, such as RepRap, to be fully satisfied with software in the repositories, without having to download binary blobs or run Python code from git. Owner Name: Miro Hrončok Em...


3D printing - EduTech Wiki   你有什麼困難可以說,或許我們大家可以一起笑你啊!!XD  RepRap, a British project, is short for Replicating Rapid-prototyper. This type of 3D printer builds the parts up in layers of plastics. It can be assembled from parts bought in various places. Introduction to Reprap, retrieved 17:25, 24June 2009 (UTC). D...


3D printing guide - Ultimaker Wiki   對阿,你是怎麽認出是他的XD (我就不信史塔克那麼聰明會不知道)    SAFETY WARNINGS: Some printed parts may present a CHOKING HAZARD or may be SHARP; not for children under 3 years old. We recommend to only operate a 3D printer in a properly ventilated room....


Plotting 3D Models FAQ - Printing - Wiki - Printing - Bentley Communities 對於弱勢,我們選擇無視 他們就像是隱形一樣... 真的很諷刺阿....        What are the rules to follow when printing Dynamic Views? Many times when printing Dynamic Views in MicroStation, the desired results may not be what is expected. Whether printing from MicroStation or using InterPlot, the render mode defined in the displa...
