老婆說: 你敢晚上不回來 我就開着大門睡覺 結果男人回來發現.....
3D scanner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 01 - 妻子想讓老公早回家,於是規定:晚於11點回家就鎖門。第一周奏效,第二周老公又晚歸,老婆按制度把門鎖了,於是老公幹脆不回家了。老婆鬱悶,後經高人指點,修改規定:23點前不回家,我就開着門睡覺。老公大驚,從此準時回家。 A 3D scanner is a device that analyses a real-world object or environment to collect data on its shape and possibly its appearance (e.g. colour). The collected data can then be used to construct digital three-dimensional models. Many different technologie...