wiki iso language codes

ISO 639 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 這是告訴我們: 不要太在意網路上不認識的人的酸言冷語; 也不要對你不認識的人大放厥詞,因為你永遠不知道,言語的傷害有多可怕。ISO 639 is a set of standards by the International Organization for Standardization that is concerned with representation of names for language and language groups. It was also the name of the original standard, approved in 1967 (as ISO 639/R)[1] and with...


ISO 639-2 Language Code List - Codes for the representation of names of languages (Library of Congre   結果轉過來是男的-__-"ISO 639-2 Code ISO 639-1 Code English name of Language French name of Language German name of Language aar aa Afar afar Danakil-Sprache abk ab Abkhazian abkhaze Abchasisch ace Achinese aceh Aceh-Sprache ach Acoli acoli Acholi-Sprache ada...


List of ISO 639-1 codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 會引起爭議的一段話 參考來源 639 is a standardized nomenclature used to classify all known languages. Each language is assigned a 2-letter (639-1) and 3-letter (639-2 and 639-3), ......


ISO 639 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 參考來源 :跳到 Alpha-3 code space - "Alpha-3" codes (for codes composed of 3 letters of the ISO ... The number of languages and language groups that can be so ......
