PAC-PAD Takhti 7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 我們總是在【信任】與【不信任】之間周旋, 其實,我們真的不用去擔心另一半會不會跑掉, 因為那個擔心根本是多餘的, 會在你身旁的人,就會在你身旁,想要甩都甩不掉。 就是因為喜歡對方才會在一起,所以當然要相信對方呀, 連最基礎的信任都沒有的話,那這份感情也搖搖欲墜了吧。 我The PAC-PAD Takhti 7 is a tablet-computer offered by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex developed in conjuncture with INNAVTEK, the Takhti differs from its sister product PAC PAD 1 because it has double RAM and a dual-core ARM Cortex-A8 processor, the Takhti u...