CLOT x PEANUTS 首次聯名系列 共同回味兒時記憶
Star Trek: Enterprise - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki CLOT x PEANUTS 首次聯名系列 共同回味兒時記憶 香港品牌 CLOT 慶祝10週年之際,首度攜手全球知名卡通漫畫 PEANUTS 推出聯名系列。為求觸及更廣大的消費群,系列特別增強單品的多元性及趣味性;同時,CLOT 也邀請香港知名設計師 Johanna Ho,以Star Trek: Enterprise (originally titled Enterprise until Season 3) is the fifth live-action TV... ... Star Trek: Enterprise (originally titled Enterprise until Season 3) is the fifth live-action TV series set in the Star Trek universe and the sixth in to...