app2sd - How to increase internal memory of the HTC Wildfire S finally? - Android Enthusiasts Stack 一名三十餘歲的年輕男子,疑在服食搖頭丸後失去理智,竟親手用利剪剪掉自己的陽具,放入鍋內油炸! 這名在前天淩晨時分“自宮”的華裔男子名叫蕭祖望(34歲,燒焊工友),來自霹靂州曼絨縣的甘文閣新村。 他被懷疑服食一種類似搖頭丸的藥丸,在與他相依為I've been spending a lot of sleepless nights trying to fix this. I know there are a lot of threads like this on the internet, but I want to go a bit deeper. I have an HTC Wildfire S with only ......