789hp『風神之王』!Pagani『Huayra BC』賽道動態首度曝光(內附動態影片)
Windows Firewall - Microsoft WindowsisCar! 最大馬力飆漲到789hp同時重只有1218kg,動態作風比標準版還硬派的Pagani Huayra BC,當前雖正在2016日內瓦車展進行首演,不過總量限量20部的其中一輛,前天卻出現義大利Franciacorta Circuit賽道所舉辦的『Insieme per un SorrisLearn how Windows Firewall helps protect your network from hackers and malicious software. In Windows 7, it's just as powerful, but more flexible and easier to use. ... A firewall is like locking the front door to your house—it helps keep intruders (in th...