win to go

win - definition of win by The Free Dictionary Google Glass自從在美國開放售賣以來,在體育及流行領域的合作就一直不斷。這次,Google選擇與美國女裝品牌Diane von Furstenberg合作,為這一高科技產品帶來更時髦的外形設計。從6月23日開始,消費者可以在奢侈品購物網站NET-A-PORTER及Google商店上購買到win (wĭn) v. won (wŭn), win·ning, wins v.intr. 1. To achieve victory or finish first in a competition. 2. To achieve success in an effort or venture: struggled to overcome the handicap and finally won. 1. To achieve victory or finish first in: won t...


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