win xp備份

How to use Backup to protect data and restore files and folders on your computer in Windows XP and W哈哈哈...無言了 Describes how to use the Backup tool in Windows XP to help protect your data. Describes how to create a copy of data for archive, and how to use the Restore Wizard or the Automated System Recovery Wizard to restore files and folders....


聯強 e 城市別再留這種智障文了... 09 / 17 / 2005 電腦使用者難免會面臨因偶發的硬體故障或是系統損毀,導致個人資料面臨可能完全遺失的風險。雖然當系統損毀等非硬體故障時,還是可以透過其它正常的作業系統將資料複製出來,但對只有一台電腦或是不擅長拆裝硬體的使用者而言,還是 ......
