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Internet Explorer 9 (Windows Vista 64-bit/Windows 7 64-bit/Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit) - Free dowInternet Explorer 9 for Windows 7 64-bit Edition and Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-Bit) is designed to take full advantage of your PC's hardware through Windows, Internet Explorer 9 delivers graphically rich and immersive experiences that are as fast and res...


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Installing 32-bit IE9 in 64-bit Windows 7Jacques Littlefield(1949-2009) 出生於加利福尼亞州的舊金山, 自幼喜愛坦克的他收集了許多坦克和各種軍用車輛,加上自己是個富二代,這樣的收藏對他來說完全大丈夫。他是全球最知名的坦克私人藏家,藏有許多冷戰時期的戰術車輛。拍賣公司Auctions America最近將他的藏品I have 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium with SP-1 installed. I downloaded IE9-Windows7-x86-enu.exe from the Microsoft download center. Trying to install it gives this error message: Wrong version of Internet Explorer installer This version of se......


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