Install and use Windows XP Mode in Windows 7TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 人家說要抓住男人的心,就得要先抓住男人的胃,但儂編覺得這話只說了一半,男人的胃口除了口腹之慾之外,還有夜晚飢餓難耐的性慾,若在床上無法征服另一半,讓對方每次都沒達陣就草草結束,感情也會跟著受到影響。現在就打起精神,做好筆記,把男人最愛的4種「愛愛姿勢To use Windows XP Mode, you need to download and install Windows XP Mode, and Windows Virtual PC, the program that runs virtual operating systems on your computer. When you install a program in Windows XP Mode, the program becomes available for use ......