
[Solution] Error 651: The modem has reported an error | Windows 7 Maintenance | Windows Tools, Help [Solution] Error 651: The modem has reported an error You try to initiate the dialer in Windows 7 and only found that it doesn’t work and returned with an Error 651: Your modem (or ......


作業系統 - 關於Win7的網路設定問題(錯誤651)...[增螢幕截圖] - 電腦討論區 - Mobile01 你在想什麼呢?nwcs wrote: 建議先把錯誤畫面po...(恕刪) 圖上來了!! 所有裝置都已連線 錯誤651:數據機(或其他連線裝置)回報了一個錯誤 家裡xp筆電發出的無線網路訊號可以連線 但是畢竟不是真正的AP 所以訊號穩定度不算好...


Blizoo (Win 7): Error 651: The modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error. - YouTubeInformation: For 20 bulgarian levs for a month, you recieve this connection/speed: Download: 16 Mbps | Upload: 8 Mbps by Blizoo Media and Broadband in city: Nova Zagora, state/province: Sliven, country: Bulgaria. Website: За 20 лв. на ме...


作業系統 - windows 8.1因為modem 651錯誤而無法PPPOE自動撥接連線的替代方案 - 電腦討論區 - Mobile01很多人升級到windows 8.1後於撥接PPPOE都會遇到第一次撥接發生modem 651錯誤而... ... 你說的遠端遙控問題 也是我之前的問題 我之前就是因為如果從遠端重新開機後 開機無法自動連線就完蛋了...
