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Building a boot USB, DVD or CD based on Windows 7 with Winbuilder and Win7PE SE Tutorial心痛啊..............!!!!! //Below is just information about the application [main] Title=NetScan Description=Netscan from Softperfect Selected=True Level=5 Version=1 NoWarning=False Download_Level=0 //These are core variables, such as the exe to point to with shortcuts [variables]...


Windows 7 PE開機光碟 @ 軟體使用教學 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌只要照片跟蠟筆,到處都可以玩耶!!! 本文說明使用WinBulider程式,製作含Windows操作介面的Windows 7 PE開機光碟映像檔〈映像檔製作完成以後,也可以製作隨身碟開機,詳見:Windows 7 PE開機隨身碟〉,以備萬一您的Windows 7作業因為中毒等因素造成系統損毀,造成電腦無法開機進入 ......
