window 7 x64 x86分別

What is the difference between Windows 7 Ultimate x64 to x86?恩...???好像有點怪怪的... The difference between windows 7 x86 (x32) to Windows 7 x64 Ultimate x64! x86 works on x64 and x86 processor types. x64 only on x64 CPU's and ... Difference between windows ultimate X86 and x64? What's the difference between windows 7 x86 and x64? Win ......


[轉帖]Windows 7 Loader 1.9.3 (x86 & x64)by Daz最新Win7啟動破解~new劉德華拍攝的電影“童夢”,電影公司及華仔一直對童夢的造形保密,昨日首度於各大戲院推出童夢的預告宣傳片,引來外間極大的震憾反應,歌迷影迷的知這件事後,不少因此特別進電影院去看電影,先倒華仔童夢的造形片段。“童夢”這條最新的預告片,當中大家可以看到華仔由一[轉帖]Windows 7 Loader 1.9.3 (x86 & x64)by Daz最新Win7啟動破解~new-Flash,Silverlight,HTML5,CSS3,購物,網頁,後台開發,設計,電子商務,論壇-神魂顛倒論壇 是專注於FLASH ......


Windows 7 SP1 MULTI OEM x86 x64 (32/64-bit) All Editions | Premium XP好胖~~~~~ Premium XP: Windows 7 SP1 MULTI OEM x86 x64 (32/64-bit) All Editions - Download OS Windows Collection, software, Service Pack 3, SP3, 8.1, windows 8, vista. ... Hello Admin, We have visited your site and check its traffic which is better for both of us. Y...


What is x86 vs x64 - Configuration - Windows 7哈哈....這甚麼鬼XDDD Hello, what is the differences between x86 and x64? ... x86 is 32 bit and x64 is of coarse 64 bit. the reason we went to 64 bit is because of memory limitations of 32 bit. most programming is still 32 bit but works fine on 64 bit computers....
