Take a screen capture (print your screen) - Windows Help 男生會讓女生心動的10個Moment! 1.和比自己高的男生見面時,他會用手摸摸女生的頭並且打招呼的時候 圖片來自:tvdaily 女生的心裡會有種小女孩被大哥哥的疼愛的感覺,心中的蝴蝶會開始飛舞喔 2.女生在講話時,男生帶著笑容仔細聆聽的時候 圖片來自:http://Sometimes it's simpler to show someone what's on your screen than it is to explain it. Windows lets you take a picture of the screen so you can save, print, or share what you see. This is referred to as taking a screenshot or screen capture. You can take ...