Verify That TRIM Is Enabled In Windows 7 - gHacks Tech News 太美麗也是一種錯誤嗎?一般人對於空服員的印象都是外型良好、斯文端莊,且在飛行旅途中,如果服務自己的是一位美女,想必會為這趟旅行加分 ; 但土耳其航空卻逆向行事,去年大幅禁止員工化妝,連讓氣色看來較好的腮紅和口紅都不能塗抹,甚至將一位兼職模特兒的員工解雇。 名The TRIM command has been designed to counter the performance drops of Solid State Drives over time. TRIM basically allows the operating system to notify the SSD about data blocks that are no longer in use so that they can be wiped. Before TRIM, SSDs degr...