[Solved] How can I make use of all 4GB RAM in Win 7? 我什麼都明白我一個人甚麼都不想 想的多了必定難過對生活太敏感對生活太執著總會不知所措無病呻吟總是期待那些有的沒的總是在意那些真的假的 看著別人整天忙忙碌碌充實的表情心裡難免會有點責怪自己漸漸覺得這種生活毫無意義沒有任何的成就感 整天在想生活為何這般現實如果我有足OtheHill, you are correct. We do not know if the OP has one 4 GB stick or 2 + 1 + 1 GB combination or 2 + 2 GB combination. If 2 + 1 + 1 combination and you use wrong slots on the M/B, you lose GB. In my M/B which has A1, A2, B1, and B2 RAM slots, if I us...