How to Fix Mouse Lag in PC Games on Windows 8.1一位年輕人坐火車時將東西放在旁邊座位上,就閉目養神了。不久一位婦人問:「請問這裡有人坐嗎?」他睜開眼瞄了婦人一眼,懶懶地說:「有人坐了。」就繼續閉目養神了。一會兒又有人問:「這裡有人坐嗎?」他睜眼見到是一位妙齡少女,趕緊回答:「沒人坐!沒人坐!」婦人見此情景大聲責問:「你剛才不是說有人坐嗎?」年輕人Windows 8.1 allows Windows to work better on high-DPI displays. As part of this, the way Windows deals with mice has changed. Games that don’t read raw mouse data may end up with laggy, freezing, or stuttering mouse movement. This problem seems to primari...