windows bat if else

command line - Windows batch file if else usage - Super User曾經有人說,我們每天幾乎都會經歷塞車,排隊,等下班,天天都在等待中度過時間,那麼,又有什麼事情需要那麼急迫的。 所以總是習慣說著:「等下一次…我們再…」習慣於將所有的事情放在未來,永遠的未來。 我對此卻有不同的看法…。 六年前,Sorry I am new to this stuff. I'd like to run in a certain sequence the same bat file with different parameters. I wrote a very simple batch file: ... ifelf.cmd: @ECHO OFF @IF EXIST "C:\boot.ini" ( @ECHO WoW! It may be M$Windows! ) ELSE ( @ECHO Boot.i...


IF... OR IF... in a windows batch file - Stack Overflow 分手是最可怕的事嗎?不是。 最可怕的是你連為甚要在一起都不清楚,當然也不明白為甚麼分手。 不愛你了,是最可怕的事嗎?不是。 可怕的是,對方根本沒有愛過你。 失戀了是最可怕的事嗎?不是。 最可怕的是,沒有從失敗中得到教訓及成長。 戀愛產生的It's possible to use a function, which evaluates the OR logic and returns a single value. @echo off set var1=3 set var2=5 call :logic_or orResult "'%var1%'=='4'" "'%var2%'=='5'" if %orResult%==1 ( echo At least one expression is true ) ELSE echo All expre...


if statement - IF EXIST C:\directory\ goto a else goto b problems windows XP batch files - S 會被冷潮熱諷的情況有兩種,一種是天生,另一種是連續嚴重失敗 有些人天生頭腦就不好,從小就考不好成績,而被取笑。 而很多人就會瞧不起那些成績很差的,但他們不是自願的,他們也希望自己很聰明,能夠考好成績,如果今天他們忍不住你的諷刺,他很有可能會想不開。 舌劍利於刀劍,你的There's an ELSE in the DOS batch language? Back in the days when I did more of this kinda thing, there wasn't. If my theory is correct and your ELSE is being ignored, you may be better off doing IF NOT EXIST file GOTO label ...which will also save you a l...


[Solved] If Else If ... for Batch - Computer Tech Support Forum - Windows - Linux - Mac - Computin 這個世界上所有的事情,總是有─得必有─失。愛情能夠給你歡樂,但它同時也給你痛苦;財富可以給你享受,但它也會帶來苦惱;成功使你快樂,但是當失敗之後痛苦將變得強烈而無法忍受。 如果你期待某件東西,而你得到了,那是─種快樂。然而相對地,當你失去的時候也會感受到等量的悲傷。得到時是八分快樂,失去Hi there! I would like to post a question here about batch file and "if else if" support. I have googled and found people suggest using "nested if" to achieve the same effect in a batch. But does batch file really not support "if else if"? I've tested in ...


Windows Batch Scripting - Wikibooks, open books for an open world 我一直在想,現在的人是不是都太軟弱了呢? 不想寂寞,卻也不敢付出,更不敢去追求。 我們常常懷疑自己,明明條件不差,為什麼偏偏沒有另一半? 那些不那麼漂亮、不那麼可愛、不那麼幽默的人, 反而擁有令人羨慕的感情,為什麼呢? 我想是因為,我們都太小心、太Again, this does not work with arguments containing wildcards. The maximum possible number of arguments is greater than 4000, as empirically determined on a Windows Vista machine. The number can differ on Windows XP and Windows 7. In passing arguments ......


If … Else in Batch file 愛情是什麼?愛情中最重要的又是什麼?在我們以為愛著的時候,常常是並不明白的。  一個女孩愛上一個男孩,她迷戀他那種滿不在乎的神情,還有純厚又帶著磁性的男低音,她覺得他與眾不同。男孩也迷戀她,說她身上有著都市女孩少有的清純。他們戀愛了。  有一天,女孩病了,她給他打電話,想讓他去C ouple of days back I had to create a script to archive all files from number folders as part of bigger data transfer task. Since that machine was a bit of older flavor of Windows it didn’t had PowerShell, and I had to reboot machine is I wanted to insta...
