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Ext2 IFS For Windows 前幾天,正當我準備去拼卡丁車時! 我媽忽然叫我下去... 媽:我問你喔!F U C K是什麼意思阿? 我:媽~這是很久以前的東西了,不要因為想打我就跟我玩這個! 媽??啥??? (看他思乎真的不知情的模樣)我:你確定你想知道?我說了你不能打我喔!&Features Detailed list of features: Supports Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 2008. Supports both the 32 bit x86 and the 64 bit x64 platform. Includes drivers with a digital signature for Windows Vista x64....