BMW X3 將新增M40I 車型
Download Windows Live Messenger 16.4.3528 - FileHippo.comBMW 將新增M40i、X3M這些性能車款,來應付其他德系對手最近一直頻頻推出的性能車款改款。據外媒指出,新車將於今年6月發表,而這台新車將採新世代B48 2.0L渦輪增壓四缸引擎、B58 3.0L 渦輪增壓六缸引擎作為動力,馬力預估最高可達360hp,並配備8速手自排變速箱、xDrive四輪驅動系Fast downloads of the latest free software! ... Windows Live Messenger makes it easier than ever to stay connected to the people you care about. Favorites and groups: Put the people you chat with most at the top of your contacts, so you easily see when th...