Windows Live Mail configuration and setup of Gmail account ▲「修車黑手妹」最近在網路爆紅,沒想到她自己的自拍照更不得了!(source:臉書,下同) 感謝網路發達給我們帶來的數不盡的福利!近年來有許多正妹藉由網路曝光,形成網路紅人,但是你以為她們真的沒有努力過嗎? 最近,有一位修車黑手的正妹在網路上被熱搜爆紅,許多網友見了她火辣的身材卻在做Instructions on Windows Live Mail configuration and setup of your Gmail account to store email on your computer. ... Multiple email accounts can be set up on Windows Live Mail including Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo!Mail and other email addresses from your ISP or...