Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.相信對6、7年級的人來說,童年一定充滿了回憶,就算現在已為人父母,搞不好卻還覺得自己很年輕。 在這裡我整理一篇圖文,或許你看了之後就會感嘆歲月如梭,人生竟然匆匆一眨眼就過了。 3.5″磁碟片 當時只能儲存1.44MB的東西,相當於一張GIF動態圖的容量 以前上電腦課都要帶,One place for everything in your life Easily store and share photos, videos, documents, and more — anywhere, on any device, free. Plus, get 7 GB when you sign up. ... Windows OneDrive (currently SkyDrive) is built in to the latest version of Windows. Lear...