windows marketplace for mobile

為您獨創的智慧型手機 | Windows Phone (台灣)夾娃娃機已模擬畫面。Windows Phone 市集裡的應用程式;可用性可能因地而異。某些功能與服務需要 Microsoft 帳戶、Wi-Fi 存取及數據連線;需支付電訊廠商費用。某些功能、服務、裝置及色彩會因區域、電訊廠商、方案與 Windows Phone 軟體的版本而異。...


到 Windows Marketplace for Mobile 註冊開發者帳號 這樣你明白了嗎?!>0恭喜完成!, 申請人姓名 歡迎加入 Windows® Marketplace for Mobile開發人員計劃 我們需要確認您在註冊時提供的電子郵件地址。註解:您必須有 Windows Live ID,才能存取此網站。...


開始玩 Windows Phone 這樣...還真是一舉兩得啊= ="Windows phone 搭載全新 Windows Mobile 6.5 作業系統,觸控隨心玩,分享不間斷!新推出My Phone (手機線上備份服務)及Marketplace (Windows手機線上軟體商店 )兩大全新服務,重要資料隨時備用,好玩遊戲無限下載!現在就玩 Windows Phone!...


Windows Marketplace for Mobile: Registration and Application Submission Walkthroughs 雖然你總是面不改色... 但我明白... 你帶給我與我帶給你加總而來的幸福感動:)If you are new to Windows Marketplace for Mobile or wished there was available a straight forward, step-by-step, tour of the process, the Marketplace team has put together the following two walkthroughs you should find useful....


Windows Marketplace for Mobile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWindows Marketplace for Mobile was a service by Microsoft for its Windows Mobile platform that allows users to browse and download applications that have been developed by third parties. The service was available for use ......


Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer Strategy Announced!When Windows® Marketplace for Mobile was originally announced on February 16th, we indicated that additional information would be available soon. Well, the waiting is over. Today, Microsoft announced the developer strategy for the next generation of Windo...
