親愛的,下輩子我不關機了...讓3萬人感動到哭 看一次!哭一次!
Download Windows Media Player from Official Microsoft Download Center 親愛的,下輩子我不關機了...(讓30000人感動到哭!!!看一次!哭一 次!)真的要耐心去看。。。。 2008-07-29 18:08畢業時,女孩子對男孩子說:我要去北京,北京的中關村有中國矽谷之稱,那裡機遇多,以後容易發達。 男孩子說:那我就回四川老家,那裡是天府之國,美女多,The media player for all your digital entertainment needs. ... Windows Media Player 11 offers great new ways to store and enjoy all of your digital media. It's easier than ever to access all of your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV on your computer...