《一手車訊調查白皮書》2020台灣新車品牌暨消費調查 Part5 消費傾向與行為調查
Readme for Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP - Microsoft Windows Q1:若您現在要購買新車,您的預算範圍是? 針對受訪者詢問目前選購新車的預算範圍,以80~119萬元的範圍占了超過四成的比例,目前這個區間也是國產車與進口車交疊的主要範圍。若以婚姻進行交叉比對,則可看到未婚族群則以60~99萬元達受訪者42.1%;若是已婚族群,則以80~119萬元佔達43%。One of the following: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows XP Professional SP2, or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition SP2, including the N and KN editions which do not include Windows Media Player and related ......