Windows Media Player - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 原來,女性大腦和脊髓控制高潮和疼痛的部位是相互重疊的,也就是說,高潮與疼痛享有共同的面部表情的表達。研究者推測,傳遞疼痛感和愉悅感的神經,在脊髓和腦幹裡是緊密並行的,所以能喚起相同的面部表情,之後,大腦才會把這兩種感覺區分開,並分別傳遞到不同的部位。 這種聯繫還產生了一些積極作用。例如,女性在Up to version 11, it featured a taskbar-mounted Mini mode in which the most common media control buttons are presented as a toolbar on the Windows taskbar. Flyout windows can display media information, the active visualization or the video being played ba...