An update on Windows Phone 7.8 - The Windows Blog 1、年齡我搭上了一列特快車,大概在還差10分就午夜12點的時候,在中途站有一名男子也上了列車,他在車門關閉後,像是突然回复意識一般,開始左右環視著周遭乘客的臉。“恕我愚昧,請問您今年28歲嗎?”他如此的向我問道,“是的,不過您怎麼知道呢It’s been an exciting month since we officially launched Windows Phone 8. Devices are in stores, reviews are out, and ads are appearing on TV. Feedback so far has been great, and we’re really enjoying seeing how much our customers love the new Start scree...