windows phone 8

全新 Windows Phone 8 現身! | 硬是要學我笑到爆!!!! 我只能說,老闆我服了你 ~~~~   智慧型手機平台的競爭隨著 Windows Phone 的加入,三強鼎立的局勢已經逐漸成形。前幾天 Apple 才在 WWDC 上發表最新一代的 iOS 6,而在今天(21日)凌晨,微軟也不惶多讓的在 Windows Phone 開發者大會上發表了全新的 Windows Phone 8 (WP8)。 WP 8 在 ......


Announcing our third Windows Phone 8 update—plus a new developer preview program太有梗了......這招牌妙 ~~ (點圖看大圖喔)A bigger Start screen for more Live Tiles. A new, customizable Driving Mode. Better accessibility options. These are just some of the new features and innovations that we’re getting ready to deliver to you in Windows Phone 8 Update 3, which will roll out...
