Windows 7 Trim [Solved] - SSD - Storage - Tom's Hardware: Hardware News, Tests and Reviews今天看到一組漫畫,當你止步不前、畏首畏尾的時候,你應該怎麼做呢? 每當我們遇到困難, 就像站在懸崖峭壁前, 無法前進。 ▼ 當我們回頭逃避問題時, 卻發現沒有了退路。 ▼ 此時, 我們內心多麼希望上帝能夠救救自己! ▼  I have a new system with an SSD. I am running Windows 7 64 bit. Now my question is this. I know that 7 is supposed to handle Trim on the SSD when the system is idle. First of ......