windows xp professional cd rom download

當您安裝 Windows XP 時,出現 The file 'Asms' on Windows XP Professional CD-ROM is needed (需要 Windows XP Prof 如果生活在一個吸煙的家庭,孩子成長到5歲時將吸進102包煙!你還忍心在孩子麵前吸煙嗎?為了孩子的健康,請轉發!!!!讓吸煙的家長都看看!~~~~~~取出 Windows 98 或 Windows Millennium Edition (Me) 光碟,然後插入 Windows XP Professional (商用版) 光碟。將 [I386] 資料夾及其所有子資料夾複製到硬碟中。如果要執行這項操作,請在命令提示中輸入下列命令,其中 cd-rom 是 CD-ROM drive 的磁碟機代號 ......


如何疑難排解 Windows XP 中的 CD-ROM 光碟機問題我再說一遍:我!不!是!麵!包!!本文將告訴您,如何在 Windows XP 電腦上解決 CD-ROM 光碟機的問題。 ... 如果您在 Windows XP 中遇到 CD-ROM 光碟機的問題,請依照下列步驟執行: 使用 Windows 硬體相容性清單 (HCL,Hardware Compatibility List) 以確認 CD-ROM 硬體與 Windows XP 是 ......


Twig's Tech Tips: The file 'Asms' on Windows XP Professional CD-ROM is needed.老闆,肚子餓,來只肥一點的!I had the same problem, nothing helped, regedit is unknown command, etc. However, I noticed that during the initial installation my cd drive became quite warm, so I kept it open for ten minutes to let it cool down. Then, trying to let the installation loo...


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The file 'Asms' on Windows XP Professional CD-ROM is needed - Microsoft Community我們家的狗狗不見了.......請問有誰看到 ?.... 麻煩告知!! 有獎賞喔 !!!Original Title:asms Hai, When I make install new O/S in my PC it get continuous problem of getting restart continuously, then after it gone like installation near complete as 3 minutes then after ... Support and updates for Windows XP are no longer availa...


Download Free virtual CD ROM for Windows 2.1 Windows Drivers - Software Patch.這張照片實在太有趣了!!!剪影美女的身材~~~婀娜多姿啊!!!Free virtual CD ROM for Windows 2.1 driver download. All the latest manufacturer's drivers available for free from Software Patch. Extensive database updated regularly with new versions. ... Description: This free program for Windows lets you create a vir...
