女模被逮捕 疑犯照片太正在 Twitter 被肉搜 網友籌贖金
Automating Ghost in WinPE | Symantec Connect 台灣明星犯罪可能形象大傷,但美國一名 22 歲小模 Angela Coates,因為犯罪被逮捕後警方拍攝的疑犯照片太正,在 Twitter 被肉搜,甚至有許多網友要募款幫她籌保釋金美金 360 元,讓人哭笑不得阿,只能說東方跟西方犯罪起來,大家評斷的依據還是有所不同阿。 這真的有這麼正嗎When I was booting in Ghost through DOS, I was able to edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to force Ghost to begin the clone/create process automatically. I have a USB hard drive setup to boot to WinPE 2.0; is there any way to duplicate the automatic running of Gh...