Using Routers as a Wireless access point - Welcome to NETGEAR Support來看答案囉! 圖中有個人是看不到表情的,這就說明了他是哭不出來而故意用手遮住眼睛,然後哭兩聲了事,那個人就是G。而其他人不管怎樣,都能看到哭的表情,所以凶手是G。 大偵探,你答對了嗎? 再看一次題目 再多玩一題 哪對夫妻是兇手?Support Home > Using Routers as a Wireless access point Using Routers as a Wireless access point This article shows how to set up a DGN2200 router as an Access point.Be mindful that this is a work-around, and that the home router is not normally used in ....