wireless webcam software

List of USB ID’s | Wireless Driver & Software   變得像冰淇淋一樣了~重點是...可以裝得比平常多XD  ##List of USB ID's##Maintained by Vojtech Pavlik vojtech@suse.cz#If you have any new entries, send them to the maintainer.#Send entries as patches (diff -u old new).#The latest version can be obtained from#http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids## $Id: usb....


Wireless Signal Strength Heat Mapping Software | Hack N Mod一道看起來簡單的小學算術考試題,卻總是得不到正確答案。不信,你試試看!!!! 一人拿一張百元鈔票到商店買了25元的東西,店主由於手頭沒有零錢,便拿這張百元鈔票到隔壁的小攤販那裡換了100元零錢,並找回了那人75元錢。那人拿著25元的東西和75元零錢走了。過了一會兒,隔壁小攤販找到店主,說剛才店主拿來This free software allows you to track the optimal positioning and signal strength of your wireless router. By loading your router's position in the...


Software to Use a Camera Phone as a Webcam | eHow        哈哈哈,在路上開這個很屌耶~~~A number of smartphone apps have been developed to let you use your phone’s built-in camera as a webcam. Most of these apps are designed for use on Android smartphones, but there are a few for Apple’s iPhone as well. A wide selection is available for free...


Creative 73VF018000000 Live! Wireless WebCam - Newegg.com 真的是如此啊!!!Pros: This camera is an excellent, easily set up piece of equipment. If you have a wireless router, it's ready to go! All I had to do was install the included CD, temporarily connect it with an ethernet cable, and plug it into a power source. The software...
