wish you have a good time

Cicada: A Symbol of Good Rebirth, Change and Protection Against Bad Luck | Sana Ako si Ricky Lee!也逃到太多地方了吧~~哈哈!!! Most Feng Shui experts will tell you that a Cicada is a Feng Shui symbol of immortality and protection against backstabbers. This is largely due to the fact that a Cicada is an insect that can live up to 20 years; it’s a kind of insect that has the longes...


My Mother: What I Wish I Could Say - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post這也許是歷史上最詭異的離婚案件之一了。一位中國男性因為老婆太醜而把她告上了法庭。奇葩吧?更奇葩的是他贏了…法院判他離婚,分到七十多萬財產。 今年早些時候,來自中國北方的馮建(音譯)將自己的老婆告上了法庭。原因就是老婆太醜。但是如果看老婆本人是看不出來的。實際上,她本人很是漂亮。那為啥這By Meghan O'Rourke In 2006, my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer; she died on Christmas Day of 2008 at the age of 55, when I was 32. ... "Okay, you were right." I used to get annoyed when you routinely chided me. "Lighten up, Meg," you'd say. Now I ....


wish you have a good time - 相關部落格今年10月,日本麥當勞展開了一輪奇葩的促銷:薯條150日元一份!“份”是怎麼定義的?答曰:隨意。於是乎,薯條騷亂開始了。 本月初,促銷剛剛開始的時候,一位Twitter用戶上傳了“一份”薯條的照片——23包中薯的量,全部裝在托盤...


Losing Is Good for You - NYTimes.com - The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia這個手藝真的太巧了啦~>////Trophies were once rare things — sterling silver loving cups bought from jewelry stores for truly special occasions. But in the 1960s, they began to be mass-produced, marketed in catalogs to teachers and coaches, and sold in sporting-goods stores. Today ....
