諷刺政府不來修路 辣妹竟然在水坑洗澡
With or Without You - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia立陶宛第二大城考納斯,一個公民團體為了抗議政府老是不來修理道路,拍攝了一系列令人噴飯的惡搞照片,其中包含少女裸半身在馬路上沐浴、早晨起床跑去水坑前刷牙、中年男子悠哉地帶著漁夫帽開心釣魚,或是一家大小全部在水坑前戲水,這樣反差的搞笑照片,在網路上立刻引起了討論,但他們最希望能夠吸引到政府的注意,盡快來"With or Without You" is a song by the Irish rock band U2. It is the third track from their fifth studio album, The Joshua Tree (1987), and was released as the album's lead single on 21 March 1987. The song was the group's most successful single at the ti...